The Whole-House Carbon Filtration System Offers an Economical Way to Improve the Quality of Municipally Treated Water

Convenience and potential cost savings combine in this top-quality carbon filtration system that’s designed to dramatically reduce chlorine and other impurities that can undermine the taste and smell of your municipally treated water. This system requires no electricity and, unlike with other manual systems, you won’t need to monitor the time. There’s also an automatic bypass that allows you to continue receiving water during regeneration. Chlorine is a common disinfectant found in municipal water that’s been treated to meet safe drinking water standards. It’s no longer needed when the water reaches your home, and many homeowners object to the taste and odor of chlorine. This durable and highly effective system provides an economical solution to chlorine reduction. Your RainSoft dealer can analyze your water and help you choose the water filtration system that’s right for you.