What Types of Contaminants Can a UV Air Purifier Remove?
A UV air purifier is a device that’s designed to remove contaminants from the air inside your home. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is tasked with protecting human health and the environment by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress, indoor air contamination is one of the top five environmental health risks in America. The actual quality of your indoor air depends on a variety of factors, such as how often you open your windows, how frequently you vacuum, whether anyone smokes inside the house, and whether indoor humidity levels are conducive to the growth of mildew and mold.
Thought it does not certify or recommend specific brands of home air cleaning devices, the EPA recognizes that they can nonetheless be very effective. An “in-duct” UV air purifier – one that is configured directly into your home’s HVAC ductwork – is a system that the EPA says is capable of eliminating a wide variety of indoor air contaminants. UV air purifiers can remove airborne particulate matter such as dust, fireplace smoke, cigarette smoke, pet danger, dust mites, mold, bacteria, and viruses, as well as gaseous contaminants such as vehicle exhaust, cleaning product chemicals, furniture varnishes, and pesticides. Using a technique called photocatalytic oxidation, or PCO, UV air cleaners essentially convert these and other types of airborne contaminants into harmless products. The advantage of having an in-duct air purifier is that it’s able to clean the air throughout your whole house instead of just individual rooms.
For more information, please contact RainSoft, manufacturer of the AirMaster Ultra UV air purifier. The AirMaster Ultra utilizes Ultraviolet light technology and ozone to kill, sterilize, and remove most indoor air contaminants.